Code Of Conduct
The College expects every student to abide by the following Code of Conduct:-
1) Identity Card:
a) Students must have their identity Card duly filled in and signed. Students must wear their Identity Card when they are in the college premises.
b) Transfer of I. D. Cards is a criminal offence. The student will be liable to expulsion from the college.
2) Littering:in the classrooms, corridors & the campus is prohibited. Please use the dustbins provided all around. Offenders will be penalised.
3) Sluing on the vehicles:in the college compound or on A-Road is strictly prohibited.
4) Loitering or Crowding:on A-Road is also prohibited. Students are required to remain in the college campus during their free hours.
5) Mobile Phones:if carried by the students should be switched off while in classroom, library & corridors of the college. If these instructions are not followed, the instrument will be confiscated and the concerned student will also be levied fine.
6) Anti-Ragging act :Ragging is banned in this institution. A student involving in any such act will be expelled from the college and in addition may undergo imprisonment and fine.