Civil Engineering

The major constituent of the developing economy of India, as a developing country, is its rapidly growing infrastructure. During last 15 years, India, in its infrastructural development, has seen the construction of Road Network, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation projects and a remarkable urban development in terms of establishment of software companies and dwelling units. As a matter of fact constructional activities straightway indicate the economic status of a country. The recent national survey indicates that the requirement of civil engineers against the number of civil engineers produced by different engineering colleges is very large demanding to bridge the gap between the demand and the provision of skilled man power.

Keeping this aspect in mind the course leading to a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering was included among the five Engineering courses started in the year 2010. The department presently has qualified faculty members, having requisite experience, on its roll.

The inputs of the department mainly concentrate upon the all round development of students imparting them the correct skill of learning and inculcating in them the technocratic orientation making them useful for the society.

The academic activities of the department are strongly supported by nicely established laboratories.

Name : Yash Vijayanand Tandale,
Email :
Qualification : B.E Civil
Department : Civil Engineering
Area of Interest :
Experience : 1   years

Name : Neha Rajendra Ghole,
Email :
Qualification : Civil engineering
Department : Civil Engineering
Area of Interest :
Experience : 1   years

Name : Amruta Digambar Patil,
Email :
Qualification : in Environmental engineering
Department : Civil Engineering
Area of Interest : Environmental Engineering
Experience : 9   years

  • Surveying Laboratory
  • Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
  • Strength of Material Laboratory
  • Geo technical Engineering Laboratory
  • Concrete Technology Laboratory
  • Transportation Engineering Laboratory
  • Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Engineering Tution Fee for 1st Year & Direct 2nd year

Academic Year 2019-20

Sr.No Particulars SC/ ST Scholarship SC (Freeship) NT (Freeship) SBC (Freeship) OBC (Freeship) OPEN (EBC) OPEN & All Cast Without Scholarship
1 Tuition Fee 0 0 0 0 21493 21493 42986
2 Development Fee 0 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514 4514
3 Library Fee 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
4 Breakage 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Total Fees (Rs.) 1600 6114 6114 6114 27607 27607 49100

Hostel and Mess Fees For Students of Engineering For

Academic Year 2019-20

Sr.No Particulars Hostel Fees Mess Fees
1 Fees 24000 27500
2 Deposit (Refundable) 2000 0
Total Fees (Rs.) 26000 27500

Note :-

  • Mess Charge and Hostel Charge to be paid in Two installments only.
  • Tuition Fees can be paid by DD in favour of, "Universal College of Engineering and Research" and payable at Pune.
  • The College Tuition Fee, Hostel Fee & Mess Fee should be paid by DD during Admission.
  • Hostel & Mess can be paid by DD in favour of, "Prerana Pratishthan" and payable at Pune
  • 7588058880 / 9881150007